Learn About Customized Health Checkup Packages in Ahmedabad

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health checkup package


June 12, 2023

Our health is our asset, so taking care of it is of the utmost importance. But in our daily lives, we keep on looking for excuses not to visit our doctor, be it to save money or for other reasons. We keep ignoring our health and continue a sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy habits. Let’s understand about health checkup package and its benefits.

What is a health checkup?

Health checks can assess the risk of potential medical conditions that we could develop and spot any warning signs that we might not have noticed ourselves. A health check-up is a bunch of tests to determine the general state of health of an individual.

Why is a health checkup package important?

“Prevention is better than cure,” we have been hearing for ages. Many times, we have seen situations where health check-ups have detected early-stage health issues and saved lives. While it’s true that the frequency of hospital visits increases with age, this doesn’t indicate that generally healthy men and women are medically fit. Health problems do not hit on gender or age, so rather than waiting for a health issue, one should do regular health check-ups because every individual has a different lifestyle, medical history, family history, environmental factors, and health conditions; hence, every individual needs a different health check to ensure that they are in good health and can live longer.

By doing regular health check-ups, we can monitor our health and take measures to prevent diseases.

Why is a customized health check-up required and not the regular one?

A regular health check-up may not shed light on all the diseases that an individual has or can prevent in the future. Every individual has a different life style, medical history, family history, environmental factors, and health conditions; hence, every individual needs a different health checkup package depending on their life style, medical history, family history, and health conditions.

Avita Health 24×7 provides customized health check-ups that are designed to meet the needs of an individual. Avita Health 24×7’s personalized health check-up is designed to consider multiple factors like medical history, family history, environmental factors, health conditions, etc.

Tailoring care to your specific needs

Individuals have specific needs for health care depending on their lifestyle, medical history, family history, and health conditions. Tailoring care can help them in prevention and can also help them identify the disease and measures to take to prevent it.

Tailored care was first mentioned 4000 years ago in India’s holy scriptures known as the Vedas. It was known as Ayurvedic medicine at the time, and its goal was to customize therapy to each individual’s prakriti (or constitution) in order to maintain a balance of body, mind, and spirit. Nowadays, the goal of personalized care is to improve patients’ health outcomes and care experiences by designing a treatment plan that takes their specific requirements and preferences into account.

Tailored care has the potential to improve individual health.

Climate effects on health

Given India’s climate change, this may have an influence on health. Dehydration, heat exhaustion, infections, and deterioration of heart and lung disease are more likely among the elderly and those with pre-existing medical conditions.

For a multitude of reasons, children are susceptible. Children, for example, are more vulnerable to heat stress and dehydration, as well as to heat exposure.

Pregnant women are at increased risk of heat stress during heat waves due to the physiological demands of pregnancy.

There are many simple actions you can take to protect yourself and your family from the impacts of climate change.

  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Never leave anyone in a car.
  • Staying somewhere cool
  • Get help with a doctor.

Benefits of a Customized Health Checkup Package

There are so many advantages to a health checkup. Therefore, choose a customized health package according to your needs. To be aware of its benefits, some of these are listed below:

  • According to their health conditions, choose a package
  • Increases the chance of leading a healthy life.
  • Reduces the risk of a late diagnosis.
  • Reduces mental stress and improves quality of life.
  • Timely detection of any serious or life-threatening condition
  • Increased chances of planning the treatment on time.
  • Reduces the treatment cost.

Why choose Avita Health 24×7?

Avita Health 24×7 provides customized health checkups according to your body’s needs. We understand the needs of individuals and offer them tailored care. Avita means

  • Available 24X7
  • Value of time
  • Innovating home healthcare
  • Tailoring care
  • Assurance of quality

Avita Health’s 24×7 care intertwines superior medical practices with the accessibility of highly qualified medical professionals to yield exceptional patient care and clinical outcomes. We take medical care a step further by providing first-rate home healthcare and doctor-on-call services at your doorstep. We are available any time of day for you and every member of your family.

Other services provided by Avita Health 24×7

  • Doctor on call
  • Lab at home
  • Physiotherapy at home
  • Skilled nursing care at home
  • Elderly care at home
  • Palliative care at home
  • Mother and baby care at home
  • Pediatrician at Home
  • Dental treatment at home
  • Vaccination at Home
  • Cosmetologist at home
  • Respiratory monitoring at home
  • IV therapy
  • Chemotherapy at home
  • Dialysis at Home
  • Critical care management (ICU) at home

Key Takeaway

A health checkup is an early detection tool that helps you stay updated on the changes that your body undergoes as you age. Health checks can assess the risk of potential medical conditions that we could develop and spot any warning signs that we might not have noticed ourselves. While sometimes a person can show signs and symptoms of a disease, in most cases they go undetected without a regular check-up. Early detection is one of the major benefits of a health checkup in terms of a person’s health.

In conclusion, a customized health checkup provides peace of mind by giving individuals a better understanding of their health status. It is an essential part of preventive healthcare. It can help detect potential health problems early and take steps to prevent them from becoming serious. Additionally, regular health checkups can help prevent future health issues by identifying lifestyle changes that one can make. So, no one should neglect their health and must ensure to schedule a customized health checkup with us.


  1. Dekkers T, Hertroijs DF. Tailored healthcare: two perspectives on the development and use of patient profiles. Advances in Therapy. 2018 Sep;35(9):1453-9.
  2. Climate change and health

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