Aging Gracefully: Geriatric Physiotherapy at Home in Ahmedabad

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June 12, 2023


Senior care aims to provide a very special service focused on meeting the needs and requirements of a senior citizen. They may require services like assisted living, nursing, daycare, geriatric physiotherapy at home in Ahmedabad. The fast world that we are living in today has made it important for every person in the family to have some sort of income source; hence, elders sometimes do not receive the attention and care that their parents or elders need.

Why elderly care at home is necessary?

When the elderly begin to struggle with daily activities, both independently and safely, elder care becomes more necessary as they age. Cleaning, cooking, dressing, bathing, driving, taking medications, and other daily chores may be included.

Elder care is mostly needed when there is a gradual deterioration in an elder’s health with growing age, but there may also be emergencies at certain times. For example, the elder one in your family is recovering from a fracture and is bedridden, for which he may require supportive care and also geriatric physiotherapy home treatment.

The kind of elder care with geriatric physiotherapy that is actually required is extremely subjective and varies from person to person depending on factors like age and condition.

Which problems indicate the necessity of elderly care at home?

Physical Difficulties

Several health problems may arise as aging occurs, as people are unable to perform many of the daily activities they once could. Their bodies may become more rigid, fragile, and prone to infections. Physical impairments and issues related to particular diseases can also arise. At times, elders won’t report these problems out of shame, fear, or other reasons; hence, it is important to get regular health checkups.

Cognitive Difficulties

Increasing age may cause certain cognitive difficulties, which is very normal. But severe cognitive problems can make life difficult for a person, especially in terms of carrying out the basic activities of daily life. These impairments include difficulty in understanding, difficulty in remembering (short-term memory loss), difficulty in regulating emotions, or difficulty in making simple judgments. Both severe and progressive dementia can cause safety concerns and should be handled with total seriousness.

Emotional Problems

Feeling lonely and unimportant, not being able to do things they enjoy doing or suffering a difficult illness can cause elders to experience emotional issues. They may exhibit signs of irritation and social discomfort, and they may even have suicidal thoughts.

Benefits of Senior Care at Home


We all hate to ask for help again and again, and at a senior age, this becomes the cause of many challenges as they feel a sense of dependency. Hence, home care has now made it possible for everyone to stay independent without having to bother anyone. Even if the needs are extravagant, we at Avita Health 24×7 is just a call away.

There is no separation from your loved ones. This is an important one. Most senior care facilities have restricted visiting hours, but home care makes it possible for one to be taken care of without having the fear of being separated, forgotten, or missed.

Enjoying the comforts of home

Staying at home gives a feeling of love and care that no other service does. A person feels happy if surrounded by family, friends, and relatives. Many studies prove that seniors stay healthier and calmer when they are able to be in their respective homes. When hospitals and institutions release elderly patients to the familiar surroundings of home to live with their loved ones, they recover faster and their general quality of life improves.

Long-term skilled care

Regardless of the extent of the condition of your senior loved one, Avita Health 24×7 aims to provide the superior-quality care possible.

Familial support for treatment

Being at home makes it easier for families to help out with patients (in situations where familial support is mandatory) and also keep a close watch on the quality of the treatment given to their beloved seniors.

Keeping morale high

Any person, be it a senior or a teenager, feels more comfortable at their own respective houses than at any other facility. Staying at home allows elders to live a happier life while maintaining connections to important relationships, which in turn keeps their spirits high and upsetting phases low.


Hospital traveling costs can add up when seeking senior care with geriatric physiotherapy at home in Ahmedabad. And when we speak of cost, we don’t just talk about saving up money; we also talk about not losing time with your beloved, sweet senior, which is the one that brings in the biggest loss.

Cognitive Support for Elders at Home

Cognitive skills and knowledge refer to our ability to learn and understand factual information, which can be tested in a straightforward way. It’s important to differentiate cognition from other aspects of development, such as social skills, emotional intelligence, and creativity. Cognitive science is a field of study that focuses on how our minds perceive things, think, and learn.


A good chit-chat partner can take 50% of the stress off a person and protect their delicate emotional state. Research has now proved that emotional stress can actually cause physical damage to the brain, so maintaining a good emotional state is crucial. Seniors at this age have difficulty getting along with the new generation, which in turn reduces their social interaction. They may be homebound because of a medical condition, or they may live further from friends and family.

Everyday Activities

Changing their day-to-day activities can also further boost their cognition. Example: switching parks when going for a walk or trying to eat using the opposite hand. Talking to new people at the park rather than sticking to the ones that are already known. Arranging utensils in a different way in the kitchen keeps a person and their brain engaged, which is the best way to improve cognition.


Recreational programs are another way of boosting cognition. Discovering new talents and hobbies is an excellent method of keeping your brain busy in a way that actually interests you. It could be anything from an interest in writing or crafts to a small home business. These interests and hobbies work on different levels, like crafts, which help build fine motor skills. But this ability to learn and discover is hampered by several health conditions. This is when Avita Health 24×7 comes into play. We offer our entire support to your beloved elders whenever required. That’s why the tagline

“Personalized and high-quality care at your doorstep!”

Our experienced team provides quick and decisive care, ensuring life-saving interventions and peace of mind in critical situations. Call us during an emergency, and we will be at your doorstep within the shortest possible time.

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800 Avita(28482)

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Our experienced team provides quick and decisive care, ensuring life-saving interventions and peace of mind in critical situations. Call us during an emergency, and we will be at your doorstep within the shortest possible time.

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